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Old 10-26-2003, 11:59 PM
Dorkel Marine 1 Dorkel Marine 1 is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Coquitlam BC. Can.
Posts: 270
Dorkel Marine 1 is on a distinguished road
Default Thanks guys

Thanks for the input guys. I suppose my question stemmed from how I've seen tanks (J&L), where they just had the atinics on and those wonderful floureseant brains, GSP, and trumpet coral shimmer with that green luminescense. So I thought hey I want that. I also thought that maybe that was a good thing to do for coral health. Listening to the responses it seems that the atinic is as some of you put it "just for taste". My main concern is that the corals I have now continue to grow and stay healthy. I can do without the atinic if it doesn't affect my corals. I also thought that with the corals in the oceans they have a gradual reduction in light as the sun goes down. So I was going to gradually add timers to my 2 tanks on atinics to try and copy that idea. But if its not that necessary I can surely put the money elsewhere.

So if the atinic is for colour and i want about 100watts of productive lite for my corals, a good way to go would be 1x96watts of white lite and when the budget allows add on a 55watt atinic but not a coral life bulb.

What is a good atinic bulb in your guys opinion. I've read that the philips products are good.

Thanks again George
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