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Old 04-05-2010, 11:55 PM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 3,272
Aqua-Digital is on a distinguished road

Little update for you

All params are at ultra low nutrient, in hindsight this is not always a wonderful thing as you will see I have a suspected Bio Bloom as mentioned in the post above, the upside is the corals are thriving, and my center piece powder blue acro colony is settling in well.

I say bio bloom, it has not been proved, but other than calcium precipitation there is little else the slight cloudy look could be, so its time to sit back enjoy and give it 14 days and then see.

Interestingly my redox is a whopping 474mV !! A sign of the low nutrients. One thing i can prove here is that ProdiBio is amazing at single shot nutrient reduction, if you have nutrient issues you really must try this out, it works!!

The profiLux of course is rock solid, it actually has become a huge value having the full set up so I can do much better live support and test things out myself before providing support.

More later this week.

Dont forget to check out the group buy in the GHL forum under aqua digital