I have used prazi-pro and it works follow the instructions do the full 7 day treatment that had the best results. you will have to keep the dose up over the treatment I did run my skimmer but just to ariate the water I did not let it skimm har to do but not imposible. or you will have to run a air pump and a airstone.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
Sorry for posting again but I had one more thought to share. I noticed you're local to me (well, sort of anyhow). FWIW, I got the Praziquantel powder from Red Coral, and the Prazipro liquid from Gold Aquariums.
The Praziquantel is a powder which is not dissolvable in water. You have to predissolve it in ethyl alcohol ("vodka"). You have to mix for a long time. I mixed for 5 minutes and even still a goodly portion of it didn't dissolve and went into the tank as white powder.
Prazipro on the other hand is already a liquid and thus ready to dose. Just follow the instructions and you're set.
On the flipside, the praziquantel powder is more a concentrated form of the pharmaceutical. So in a bad case the powder may be better, in a mild case such as yours, save yourself some hassle and go with the liquid.
If you read through the whole first thread I linked to (Christy's thread), near the end you'll see a before and after set of pictures of my tang. The difference is astounding.
I'm never not having Prazipro on hand again! Everyone should have a bottle in their "tank stuff drawer" IMO.