ive got my 125gal against an ouside wall with 2X10 joists 16" apart. It sagged the floor a bit. Im not worried about it as we get used to get alot of snow here which is an immense amount of weight and we dont get close to that anymore. Im doing a 250 gal in my living room perpendicular to the joists and against a load bearing wall and will be putting in a support for that one. Saying that though my 46 gal in my kitchen moves more then i care to like. If im sitting in front of my tank and my dogs run by i feel the floor move. Thats up against a load bearing wall too. Id personally at least ask an engineer as they prob dont need to see your house, just know the construction, floor joist size and spacing and weight of the tank and footprint. That should give them an idea. I just dont think id like 1500lbs crashing down on me at 2 am. Just my 2 cents.
Last edited by zum14; 04-05-2010 at 10:47 PM.
Reason: i cant spell