Ok here I go, just got the sump added in.
But first I have to give big props to Doug "Fishytime" if you saw the last tank stand it was not finish, with Doug's killer skills he finished it up and its looks great, if you need a tank stand talk to Doug.
The sump is now a 55gal that I traded with Doug, I switched him the shallow tank that he may use for a clam tank or whatever he would like.
I was able to get the sump into the stand by removing some bracing so I really don't want to have to remove it a again.
So I am thinking and have placed the sump in to get this.
Skimmer --> Return <--- Refugium
I will be able to drop the overflow right into the skimmer and t it off to the Refugium.
My other thought was to go refugium --> Skimmer --> Return, this would be easier to plumb but was not sure it would be best for the tank.
If you have any suggestions and recommendations please let me know, I am a plumbing newbie so any suggestions with that would also be helpful.
Oh no check valve with the bigger sump I will be able to handle the extra water with the larger sump.
Thanks for looking and you esteemed advice.