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Old 03-31-2010, 11:06 PM
project37 project37 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 12
project37 is on a distinguished road

I also had a problem with diatoms in my tank about a month ago but was able to resolve the problem using Kent's Phosphate Sponge. It is basically a ceramic medium which first absorbs phosphate and when the phosphate is low it will absorb silica. I used that for 5 days in my canister filter and now I have no more diatoms.

I keep a large Dragon Goby in my tank now as they sift sand like crazy and thus keep the sand nice and white. The only problem with the Dragon Goby is that they will spread sand over the lower areas of you rock but nothing a turkey baster will not cure.

Good luck with your sand cleaning and keep us posted.
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