Thread: ribbon eel
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Old 03-31-2010, 03:23 PM
zeddy zeddy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 84
zeddy is on a distinguished road

well i read all your posts and decided that the eel would have a better chance in my tank than in the stores. i bought him and on the way home was in a major car wreck. the eel was fine but we wherent. that was the begining of feb. no the eel is very happy took me about 3 weeks to get him to eat but now he is vibrant and full of life eating like a pig i read everything i could find and have been reaserching for a year because i always wanted one. they are a very demanding spieces but also doable. i have no regrets about taking him on and look forward to keeping him a long time. the eel is currently about 3 feet long.
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