Thread: Clean up crew
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Old 03-30-2010, 06:05 PM
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My 120gal only has two abalone, an astrea snail, a trouchus snail, a turbo snail and a tiger tail cucumber that asexually reproduced its self not too long ago... so two cucumbers. My 50gal frag tank has a single turbo snail and the 20gal nano has nothing. Good liverock will provide you with most of what you need in terms of a cleanup crew. I actually also have mini brittle stars, bristle worms, pods, stomatella snails and several other mini snail varieties that have all come in off of the rocks.

Basically take it slow, try a couple types of snails one at a time and see how they do. Dont buy in mass and if you're a risk adverse person stay away from crabs.
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