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Old 03-27-2010, 10:56 PM
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Crytone Crytone is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 54
Crytone is on a distinguished road

I always hated being in camp because I made less money (no subsistence pay) and even the 'nice' camps were still sh*t holes IMO. Being one of the least favorite people on most locations (by nearly everyone) didn't help much either as people were either upset with what I did and how much I made.

I think work is slow everywhere though. A Master Electrician friend of mine recently got fired from an Oil Sands project. He was only kept so long because he was on contract and it would have cost the company way too much to break it.

Anyways good luck with the new job. Anything is better than nothing is what I always say and something better will always come around, especially when this economy rebounds.
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