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Old 03-27-2010, 07:31 PM
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Zoaelite Zoaelite is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Zoaelite is on a distinguished road

Okay so 6 day update;

I'm a very skeptical person, as a Science student I'm constantly berated with the fact that I should never accept anything without proof. So to see people post on here that in the span of 5 days they are getting amazing results is... interesting to say the least (especially when the package says 2-4 weeks).

That being said, THESE THINGS ARE AMAZING for those of you who are hesitant take my word for $65.00 this has to be one of the best investments I have made to the fish tank and they last 6+ months for a single bag!

Right before I set up my reactor I upgraded my sump and had to move a DSB into my fuge, doing so released a large amount of dissolved nutrients and probably some hydrogen sulfide. This made for one angry tank, one of my favorite monti's melted on me and I lost 2 zoa colonies as well as some major nuisance algae and some browned out SPS.

Now it might be a combination of increased water volume and the 100 additional mangroves I added to the fuge but with the amount of mulm this thing is kicking out I'm leaning towards the NP-Biopellets accounting for my quick tank recovery. Far past recovery, in the span of 6 days my corals have never looked better! Color and polyp extension on the SPS and LPS are incredible and my zoas all look healthy and plump. Water clarity (Except when my reactor gets clogged) has never been better.

System is a 170g main tank, 70g sump, 25g frag and 29g DSB/ Mangrove fuge. I run a VERY heavy bioload (7 Tangs, 3 Anthias, 2 Blennys, 2 Clown Fish, 3 Wrasses, 2 manderins and 2 cardinals). So I think I might go out, buy another bag and a larger reactor.

A+++ Review on my behalf, I'm running 500ml of them in a TLF reactor with a MJ1200 and they are flying around in the thing. Best $65.00 I have ever spent on the reef.
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