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Old 03-27-2010, 06:21 AM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
It amazes me how people take things so literal. Earthday is meant to promote awareness and to drive home the fact that one person can make a difference. Simply turning off your lights for an hour isn't going to ammount to much in the grand scheme of things, we all know that. The point is not to turn off your lights but to promote thoughtful discussion and self examination. If people choose to turn off the lights then great thanks for taking the time to at least think about it, it's step in the right direction if only a small one.
Bingo. Couldn't have said it with any more truth...

*CAUTION: RANT FOLLOWS* I personally have a huge problem with people considering aluminum cans to be 'disposable'. I believe it was Buckminster Fuller who thought that with all the materials we had pulled out of the earth by the '70s, we should be entirely self sufficient as far as needing materials, since almost everything is recyclable (and aluminum pretty much tops the list of easily recyclable materials). And yet, here we are. I suppose everything is disposable, really... including our own planet.

I wonder when the cockroaches will grow intelligence. Then we're really done for. *END RANT*

Anyhow, as far as shutting the lights off I'll still be at work at that time and my electricity is relatively low impact hydroelectric power. I actually moved a step in the wrong direction by switching to CFLs, since they contain toxic mercury where the incandescents I had before didn't. Saved some electricity though, so more can go to the US where they depend on oil generating stations... so maybe I'm actually status quo after all. Every little bit helps.

PS: OH YEAH, tank not just lights... yup, no way. My tank uses a total maximum (with heater and lights on) of 210W. I've seen incandescent light bulbs larger than that.
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...

Last edited by BlueAbyss; 03-27-2010 at 06:27 AM.
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