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Old 03-26-2010, 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Earth hour is good if it promotes awareness. Can't argue there.

There are people though who think that's all there is to it is shutting the lights off for an hour "helps." And no, it doesn't. What helps is finding a way to change habits so that the energy footprint can be reduced permanently.

So.. um .. no, I can't shut my tanks off for an hour. That's a life support issue.. but I'm always thinking about ways I can achieve the same results using less energy consumption, and when opportunities present themselves, I make the appropriate changes. I hope this counts for something.
I agree. We all need to look beyond price when we buy things.

For example something we all use in our hobby is a return pump. A return pump runs 24/7/365 right then consider these products for the job.

An Amp Master 3000 from Dolphin Pumps moves 3600 GPH while drawing 96 watts of electricity.

While the ever popular Reeflo Dart movers 3600 GPH while drawing 160 watts of electricity.

We should always include energy usage as a major criteria when buying an automobile, a refrigerator, a Big Screen TV or anything else we buy.
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