I'm sure we all have some.
For me it's my Lunare Wrasse and my BTA. The wrasse has incredibly striking colouration, can swim like a torpedo and is quite intelligent; but as he's maturing he's becoming a real PITA. When I feed the tank he soaks me half the time and sprays water all over the lights. He is also becoming more and more aggressive with some of the other fishes.
As for the BTA: firstly, it was supposed to be a GBTA but is a boring brown; secondly, it turned my two sweet little Fire Clowns into territorial SOB's; and the nem is growing so damn fast I have to keep moving corals out of its way.
This pic is 4 or 5 months old and he is much bigger now. (about 7")
This is also an older pic. The nem is now about 14" across.