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Old 03-25-2010, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
LOL it always takes longer than you think. My husband changed out a touchy GFCI the other night and it took forever. Mind you the hockey game was on and he could see the TV through the tank
I can see how that would indeed slow things down

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
That's awesome, I'm just going to hold the flashlight and point it at my non-code-compliant sink and watch it fix itself! No wonder my build is taking so long, I've been doing it all wrong!

(Or do I need me one of these "husband" things first? ... That sounds like a pretty handy tool to have as well!)

(Oh I know I'm not funny. It doesn't stop me from trying though...)
Well if you're not funny then why are my co-workers looking at me funny for laughing my head off at the computer. I also re-read your post to them (so they'd understand why I was laughing so hard) and they thought it was funny too

Also just so you know one of those "husband/boyfriend" things do come in very handy, I highly recommend them.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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