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Old 03-24-2010, 03:37 AM
Posts: n/a

I've done everything on my own and bought toys went through a divorce lost said toys and now buying more toys. We get by just and we have had to sell some of the extra toys to help out but. We have to look on the bright side there are jobs out there just have to get the fish to bite and then set the hook. I bought my first place when I move out from my parents place no cosigner and my own down payment. interest rate was in the 13% range early 1990's I payed 1200 a month on a 47,000 mortgage it was a bit high because it was a shorter term mortgage and a 1 year amortization, It was a condo not a house with strata so there was more money and I payed all my own utilities as each unit had separate electric and phone lines no gas in the units. electric was not that much. water sewer and gas was paid to the city twice a year at a set rate. You have to make your own destiny not let everything else decide your destiny. You have been talking about working on a biss in the aqaudics industry you still can just start slow get preorders and a deposit on everything. None returnable so it would amount to a restocking fee. As the saying goes there is more ways than one to skinn a fish......

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