Originally Posted by christyf5
No, it won't be for the nano. The nano was fishless until I found a little eviota goby swimming around in the overflow. I thought he died during an autotopoff accident but he's still hanging around in there munching on copepods (I never feed the tank, now I'm like should I? He's been fine all this time) Anyway, I haven't managed to fish him out yet and am thinking theres probably more copepods in the back forty anyways.
Whoops got a little off track there, talk about hijacking. Anyway, the screening is for the big tank, I'm just wondering if I should be preparing for the arrival of a jumper or if he'll just be living in the overflow constantly. I'm thinking since this is pretty much equivalent to the second coming (in my world anyways  ) I should get some screening. Maybe I'll have a look at home hardware after work.
It's not really hijacking when you're answering my question. I would feel the need to put the eviota goby in the tank and start feeding it, however then he'd probably just go back into the overflow and prefer to eat pods so there might not be much of a point to doing it. I'm a lot of help aren't I
I would definately look into getting some kind of screen/cover if you're going to add a redspotted blenny. Unfortunately I found mine dead this morning

I'm not sure if when he jumped out of the tank Sunday night it did more damage to him then we thought (he seemed ok after Steve put him back in and seemed ok all day yesterday) or if maybe the damsels in the tank killed him or if because it just was set up if that has something to do with it. I'm going to do a water change tonight and test the levels again. Everything was good last I checked but I'll check again to make sure.