lol sorry Nora. I think the mushroom is also doing way better with the powerhead in my tank. He does a little flow as of right now. Not much, so if he doesn't pop out within a weeks time, I'll move him more onto the bottom to get the flow from the filter to see if that helps him.
When I first put him back in my tank, he had a lot of flow from the power head for 2 days and he was out quite a bit but was getting thrown around so thats why I decided to move him.
I need to find some mature live rock for sale. lol
It's good that he's eating well, I really hope to get him in like a week or two. I don't know how long until the ammonia is absolutely 0. It's realllly close though. I was also looking at a pistol shrimp Craig was talking about. Looks soooo cool. But I'm pretty sure it and a cleaner in a 10 gallon would be a fatal mix. lol
But I guess before I do anything drastic I'll leave him for a few days, see if he takes well to the rock he's on, and maybe it's the shell is sharp, but I don't know how to make it more dull for him. Any ideas for that HillBilly?
Last edited by SpateD; 03-22-2010 at 10:14 PM.