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Old 03-22-2010, 05:32 AM
SpateD SpateD is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 74
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Default Coco Worm Trouble

I have a coco worm that was doing awesome in my buddies 40 gallon tank that was about a month old, I brought it into my 10 gallon when I had the ammonia level in check, he did great for about 2 days.

While moving him out of the flow of the powerhead, the top of his shell cracked. Ever since then, he only came out once to check it out after it happened. Now he's been in the shell pretty much all day. He rarely comes out, and when he does he doesn't show all his ''fingers'' or ''feathers'' or whatever they are are usually all tucked up.

I'm worried he might be dying. Before I go spend money on chemicals to put in the water, just hoping for some ideas of what you guys think I should do?! I've checked my Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates, and all seem to be 0 except the ammonia is like .05 maybe. He's only came out twice today.
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