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Old 03-21-2010, 07:50 AM
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Default Need some advice on seahorses

So I am in the process of setting up my tanks in my house and was looking for some advice.
In my office, I am setting up a 230 reef.
I also have 2 - 65 tall cube tanks that I was going to have seahorses in.
I would prefer to have them all on the same system.
are seahorses susceptible to diseases from other fish as well or just other seahorses. I am talking more about the seahorse specific diseases, not things like ich or such but more the bacterial type.
I plan on buying all the seahorse at once from the same source, so there should be no problems with that.
however, I just don't know if the fish in 230 could potentially add problems
I am also setting up a 180 gallon quarantine system for the fish to be held in for at least a month before being added.
as well, I wil have a 100 gallon coral quarantine system as well.
so what do you think?
can I keep the seahorses in the 2 separate tanks but attached through the same system?
thanks in advance for the input
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