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Old 03-21-2010, 06:33 AM
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Aquatic Addictions Aquatic Addictions is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 261
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Default Time to clear the house

Ok well.. Family is growing way to big and no time to have personal fish tanks and stuff. Busy getting things together and in line to open another location within the next 6 months or so hopefully. So...Heres all whats for sale from my personal stuff.

-120G RR 4x2x2 Tank, Custom stand and canopy,Sump with viewable Refugium (perfect to have the seahorses down below ) Dart pump, Deltec Modded skimmer,lighting over refuge and 2 t-5s above tank. It also has a matching extra stand to put all the equipment beside the tank. $500.

-Hammerhead Gold (hardly used) $300
- 1 pieces reef ceramics $100 (one wall piece)
- coralife calcium reactor 250 model...$100
- still have 30G breeder tanks $40ea. ( all drilled) and some sumps including 75G sump($100 and can drill it)
- 4ft 65G tanks $70 (3 or 4)
- Also have 22x30x18 tanks (need resilicone) eurobraced $ 75ea.
- Tunze nanostream rocks $50 and stream rocks $75 NEW
- Tunze 7091 Single controller $50 NEW
- Tunze 7092.34 Y- Adapter $25 NEW
- Tunze 6200.50 Magnet holder ( the big one) $40 NEW
- 150W HQI coralife 20K bulb new $50
- 250W HQI aquaconnect bulb new $75
- 2 x 96W 33in Straight pin Power compacts (2 10K and 2 actinic) $40 per bulb (saves 30 bucks a bulb !!)


Ps. I will do my best to be prompt with replies. If box is full please try again.

Last edited by Aquatic Addictions; 04-24-2010 at 04:44 PM. Reason: prices edited & items added
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