Ok well.. Family is growing way to big and no time to have personal fish tanks and stuff. Busy getting things together and in line to open another location within the next 6 months or so hopefully. So...Heres all whats for sale from my personal stuff.
-120G RR 4x2x2 Tank, Custom stand and canopy,Sump with viewable Refugium (perfect to have the seahorses down below

) Dart pump, Deltec Modded skimmer,lighting over refuge and 2 t-5s above tank. It also has a matching extra stand to put all the equipment beside the tank. $500.
-Hammerhead Gold (hardly used) $300
- 1 pieces reef ceramics $100 (one wall piece)
- coralife calcium reactor 250 model...$100
- still have 30G breeder tanks $40ea. ( all drilled) and some sumps including 75G sump($100 and can drill it)
- 4ft 65G tanks $70 (3 or 4)
- Also have 22x30x18 tanks (need resilicone) eurobraced $ 75ea.
- Tunze nanostream rocks $50 and stream rocks $75 NEW
- Tunze 7091 Single controller $50 NEW
- Tunze 7092.34 Y- Adapter $25 NEW
- Tunze 6200.50 Magnet holder ( the big one) $40 NEW
- 150W HQI coralife 20K bulb new $50
- 250W HQI aquaconnect bulb new $75
- 2 x 96W 33in Straight pin Power compacts (2 10K and 2 actinic) $40 per bulb (saves 30 bucks a bulb !!)
Ps. I will do my best to be prompt with replies. If box is full please try again.