Hi I'm selling my 33 gallon tank, due to some financial troubles I've hit with tuition. I originally bought it from a fellow reefer on canreef, so i'm hopefully gonna pass it to another canreefer.
UPDATE: livestock and rocks are sold so just the tank setup now. All clean and ready to be lifted out. PRICE is now $350 for everything
33G Cube tank
Oceans motions 4 way Super Squirt return closed loop
Current USA Outer Orbit lights 80 Watts (fan is broken, but doesn't really matter)
Custom sump with refugium
Mag cleaner
Pan World 50PX-X Magnetic Water Pump
Sedra 3500
EuroReef RS80
I'm not a expert at this hobby, mainly relied on a friend for information, But i'll try to explain what I know. Thanks.

This was how it looks new

Now painted black