Originally Posted by justinl
as fas as I understand, it's not enough to just talk about red yellow blue etc light. When it comes to photosynthesis it's all about PAR (photosynthetically active radiation). Different processes involved in growth are triggered by specific wavelengths as well. For example in "sun plants" vertical growth is increased with greater far red to red light exposure. Absorption of the different wavelengths mediates phytochrome activity (which is associated with vertical growth, flowering, fruiting and a bunch of other things), but not photosynthesis.
On the topic of equipment, little of reefing equipment is novel. For example, plant growers were using halides and T5s long before we were.
Bingo! From an evolutionary stand point this makes perfect sense, you collect what is most readily available for energy and as water filters out longer wave lengths first it makes sense that dinoflagellatic photosynthesis relies on bluer pigments.
I laugh at myself every time I have fish people over because the first thing I do is hide the bong. Only to realize that 75% of you probably smoke more pot than I do
