Thread: LED Panel
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Old 03-19-2010, 11:41 PM
Dolf Dolf is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Calgary
Posts: 104
Dolf is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the clarification Ron. I would not buy it either- I was just at work and quickly looking for something comparable to the ebay one in terms of dimensions to give some idea of what output should be as a minimum- I should have mentioned that I just stumbled across it and was not pointing it out as something to buy. It was also to show the price difference. I know that we are all aware that for the most part we get ripped off in this hobby as soon as something says "aquarium use", but $500 vs $60 should make you wonder where the difference are in the products. I am actually just starting to look into the possibility of a DIY fixture because a project always appeals to me. I am looking at the CREE emitters as there is a place in town I can buy them...
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