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Old 03-19-2010, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueAbyss View Post
I have spent a lot of time checking out the tiny 'naked eye' sized stuff in my tank, and honestly that's the coolest part of my tank (and the reason it's not stuffed with corals and fishes)! I love the little hitchhikers that came in on the rock... I have algaes of all shapes, sizes, and (almost) colors, snails, various amphipods and copepods, polychaetes, etc.

My next tank is planned to be 'rock only' or LRWOF... Live Rock With Out Fish

Very cool, thanks for sharing
I know what you mean! I love to stare at that stuff! Watching for things you'd never expect or have never seen, or even just seeing little specs zipping around! I thought it was so cool seeing this stuff with the naked eye, so small, and examining this coolest little critter that exists in thousands in my tank! Haha. I love it
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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