Originally Posted by fishoholic
I do want a lot of rock for him so I will leave it BB for now. I can always add sand later if I think he needs or would like it.
The frogfish I'm getting my friend has had for over a year, he puts small damsels with it and feeds pellets to the tank. My friend said he's never seen him eat, but every now and then a damsel goes missing  I'm going to do my best to convince Mr. frogfish that silversides are the most yummy things ever. However there are a few damsels (still in the tank with him right now at my friend's place) that will be coming along with the frogfish as my friend is shutting that tank down and has no where else to put the damsels. Not sure what to think of that but for now (It may be naive but it makes me feel better) I want to think Mr frogfish will leave the damsels alone and love the silversides, squid, mysis and clams etc. that I plan on feeding him and want him to eat. Either way I guess he wont go hungry 
Why don't you consider asking him to give you the damsels so you can take of them and have him euthanize the frogfish?
Sems like the ethical thing to do, right!