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Old 03-18-2010, 09:50 PM
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Crytone Crytone is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 54
Crytone is on a distinguished road

Different strokes for different folks.

I don't really care what my pets are but many many people want X breed. If I wanted X breed I'd likely go to a breeder too though but I don't think I'd ever pay much more than maybe $100-200 for any pet. I've owned every kind of pet before and the only difference is their looks and personalities. I guess I lucked out since my dad's a vet so we never paid for any of our pets (all the pure breed 'show dogs' we owned were free from clients and their was always strays around that we'd convince him to let us keep). My cat's a mutt but she's so awesome!

Saying a pure breed is guaranteed to not have X problem is a load though and if any breeder ever claims that, ask for it in writing. Every animal can have a multitude of problems. They are usually just selectively bred to REDUCE the likelihood of certain problems.
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