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Old 03-18-2010, 04:36 AM
Gooly001 Gooly001 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Aldergrove, B.C.
Posts: 451
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That's how you stay warm Greg; you haul 80 pounds of gear down 45 degree decline for 3 miles so that by the time you get down to the shore you are sweating up a storm in the wet suit. You'll need to cool yourself off in the ocean. LOL. just J/K about the 3 mile trek downhill although it sure feels like that with all the gear.

Keith was right in doing shore dive, we will have varying levels of experience in the group and this way it will be a lot safer for everyone.



Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
I'll go with whatever everbody wants to do. That said in my experience I generally prefer boat dives because you can get to better sites and to me it's not just about saving a couple of bucks. I am not familiar with the area so I'll trust you guys know what you're talking about. Now who is volunteering to slug all my equipment down to the shore?