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Old 03-18-2010, 03:42 AM
infamous infamous is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 30
infamous is on a distinguished road

Congratulations on your pups! Not that you even need to hear one more opinion, but I think that what you're doing is great. Making sure to take good care of your pups and ask for some personal experiences is nice. The vet can give you so much info, but sometimes it's nice to hear some tricks and tips that other people may have. Again, congrats on the puppies and I know you are doing your best for them.

As far as all the "critics" go, it's definitely easier for them to stand on their pedestal. I didn't know that coffee discussions were the same as research and actual knowledge. And as far as "breed standards" go, so many of the breeds have been mutilated and changed that they are not even the same as when the breed was first created. The English Bulldog is a prime example of this. So, I'm not sure that Kennel Club Standards are the most positive model to aspire after anymore.

I have 3 dogs that I love very much. One being a rescue, one from a backyard breeder, and one from a registered breeder. They have all turned out to be amazing dogs, but not everybody is so lucky. As it's already been mentioned many times before, there can always be problems no matter where you find your puppy. And as long as we make our choice to be responsible pet owners, and breeders, we can all try to make the world a better place for us.

I also agree to the comment that mentioned 99.99% of us on this site rip critters from the ocean on a daily basis. If you feel that puppies and dogs do not belong in shelters, why do you feel that it's right to own a reef tank? I don't feel that your pedestal is well warranted.

Props to everybody for their positive comments and support. And to Neal, good work and good luck.
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