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Old 03-17-2010, 07:15 PM
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howdy20012002 howdy20012002 is offline
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LOL..this truly has turned into a circus side show.
thank god a moderator is involved or this thread would have been locked a long time ago.
All kidding aside...I can at least respect your determinism in your cause, regardless of my own point of view.
so, what happens when everyone only buys from "reconginized breeders" and/or adopt from rescue places.
What happens when all the rescue dogs are adopted. I mean there are lots of dogs waiting to be adopted, but in comparison to the millions of dogs every year that are purchased, the supply would very very quickly be drained.

not everyone wants to wait for 2 years to get a dog or pay a very large amount of money from what you are calling true breeders.

so does mean that people don't get to have a dog?

most of the dogs that people have come from people like me...not recoginized breeders...
why...because the breeders can't handle the demand..aka - the 2 year waiting list.

To be straight forward..Yes i bred Ginger for the money and because I enjoy her having puppies and I have a few people who have actually requested a puppy.

If your true breeders don't do it for the money why aren't they giving their puppies away???
lets be honest, unless it was a mistake, ultimately everyone breeds for money..or in some cases the prestige i guess they feel they get from the dog shows.
Which off course, if they do well at, the puppies they sell will be worth all the more.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 03-17-2010 at 07:18 PM.
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