Originally Posted by Jamieh
My turn now. See you have a Bichon and you have a Shih-Tzu. Purpose of both to 90% of world is family pet. Both have some problems in the breed such as nasal in the Shih-Tzu. Cross breed them and you usually end up with a great family pet with few health issues. But to you perfect people this should not be allowed and little Sally should have Shih-Tzu with bad nasal problems. Not to mention how few actual genetic breeders there are vs how many people only want a good healthy family pet.
If you met me, you'd realize I really am perfect. Thanks for recognizing that.
So in your example, I have to question how the shih-tzu got to be that way? Inappropriate breeding perhaps? Here's an idea. If you just want a family pet, I can send you a link to petfinder, they have a few listed. Lots of designer colors and stuff, I'm sure you'll find something you like. They even have puppies.
In defense of you though, thanks for representing fact. I'm trying hard to be non confrontational, which is challenging for me
P.S. I'm not really perfect, I just know a lot about dogs, and this is often the subject of discussions over coffee

It really is a problem, and usually only discussed on dog boards, so it's refreshing to be able to present this point of view to non dog people. Hopefully some get it, those that don't, I get it....