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Old 03-17-2010, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
Just so I get this all straight with the Holier than Thou breeders of the board. No one but you experts whose sole purpose is to further the genetic make-up and strive for perfection in the breed should be able to breed and sell puppies??? I wonder if the Labra-Doodle breeders are included in your clan?
Hmm, antagonism is great. Let's go with it. Each dog has a purpose (you have a dog, right?). The purpose of the dog should be maintained or improved upon in a breeding program. We'll use Bostons, since this is what the thread is about. Bostons were originally bred for the show ring. In this case, true afficiandos of Boston Terriers would assert that only top placing dogs in nationally recongnized shows are bred. This keeps the true nature of the breed intact. We also want to weed out cataracts (both juvenile and adult type), cherry eye, luxating patellas, deafness, heart murmur, and allergies. Parents and grand-parents checked and cleared? Right. Next. Temperment. Do all the lines of this litter have the desired temperment? Hope so, I see lots of dogs discarded for temperment issues, and repeat breedings done to create more problem dogs. Is the breeder prepared to be responsible for the life of all pups, following up as needed?
anything doodles are just wrong, not even gonna get into that.

But holier than thou, not so much. Holier than you? I'd say absolutely. I'm standing up for dogs that don't get a say in any of this, you're just shooting your mouth off on the Internet. If you've got some facts, bring them, if you've just got a mouth, go away.
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