Originally Posted by DiverDude
Yikes ! I don't have a sump so drip acclimation is not something I can do easily so I simply put the bag into the tank and let the temperatures match and then put about 1/4 cup of my tank water into the bag every 15-20 minutes over about an hour and a half.
Clearly I have underestimated the needs of these creatures.
Thanks for the link to the very thorough article !
FYI... I don't have a sump either. I float the bag in my tank for 20 min., put the bag in a bucket and then drip. I use an airline with a knot in it. I tighten the knot so I get about 1 drop per second for the first 2 hours. I slowly undo the knot over the course of 2 more hours until I have a slow trickle, then pop them in the tank. I am relatively new to this, but have had 100% success rate. ( 12 snails, 7 crabs, 2 clowns, 1 coral beauty, 1 sand sifting star, and one tuxedo urchin.)