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Old 03-17-2010, 03:50 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Kamloops, BC
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Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
im sure those dedicated dog breeders started as back yard breeders at some point in thier lives when they first started out

just my 2 cents
im done and handing thread back to owner good luck with the puppies again
actualy most good breaders start out under mentorship from the breader they got there dog from, so right from square one they are reasearching genetics and matching. and also are installed with the ethics of there breadings. also another thing to look for is are they a member of the CKC, if not don't buy from them. not every member of the CKC will be perfect but if they get caught straying from the ethical standard they are removed so a long time breader that is a member of the CKC is a pretty good bet.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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