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Old 03-17-2010, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Chaloupa View Post
Very well said.

And to the comment made "I can pretty much guarantee that very very few breeders would spend more time and attention to their dogs and puppies than what I am giving" by the OP...I am hoping this was said to indicate your dedication to your dogs rather than a slam at breeders. Most breeders I know, having worked in a very large veterinary hospital for 21 years were incredibly dedicated and loving with their litters.
to further this, a good breader raises the puppies in there home and is dedicated to socilizing them. the only breaders that are in business and don't give just as much time if not more are the puppy mills and such.
People seam to thing breaders are business orentated, it is quite the opposit for good breaders they are dog people who spend thousands of bucks showing there dogs, researching and finding the perfect matches for there program and spend more time with there dogs than anyone normal person would. I will use the breaders of my dog for example.. they dont even advertise there puppies as they have a 2 year waiting list. I was very very lucky to get Kona when I did as they had both males in the little sold befor they were born and then one had to cancle out and I was just there at the right time as I didn't care weather I got a male of female as long as it was a golden. and they knew the issues with my last dog and that the family was devistated we had to take her back to the SPCA after 3 months of trying to retrain her. so they called the next person waiting for a male and asked if he minded waiting for another litter and boom we had a puppy. even though I knew the breaders they still came to our home and did a home check and talked to all of us to get a feeling of weather we would be a good match for one of there puppies, so if that isn't caring about there dogs and where they go... I don't know what is.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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