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Old 03-17-2010, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by rstar View Post
Except for the fact that in this thread Neal did not ask for anyones opinions on the ethics of him breeding his dog....
wouldn't have mattered, on a dog board he would have been crucified for even thinking of breading a dog that isn't a good example of the breed standard.

to me personaly as long as they find good homes and are not just sold for the buck, but the new home is throuraly checked out to ensure they will be taken care of then fine.

a good example is the golden tretiver board I am on, now that I have a purebred golden retriever I am starting to learn the things they are looking for and understand what they are talking about. one persone came on saying "we are going to breed so and so because she is such a good dog" well let the flames begin.. no clearences, checks or other wise, not a show quality dog, ect and on and on.. I haven't seen this person back on the board in the last 3 months..

Breaders like Brad said take there buisness pretty seriously with the goal of producing the perfect dog acording to the breed standard, and breading for any other purpose is ir responcible.

yes its true that breaders used to cull below standard puppies, but on the other side of things, where would these puppies end up if they didn't? we used to do the same thing on the farm if the pig had to many babies to take care of properly and so on. a good breader will have several dogs but only have 1 litter in a year from a spicific dog. I know where I got mine it was mom's first litter and she was 3 years old. they won't breed befor 24 months old as that is when they get the final clearances and even though they have 8 bitches they only have 1 or 2 litters a year as they only breed matches that they feel will better there dogs.

so ya there have been a couple negitive posts but, no where near what there could have been. the deed is done so it realy doesn't matter now. what matters is they are taken care of to the best of your ability and placed in what you feel is the best homes you can find. so enjoy them while they are young and don't get to attached

Still waiting for pictures, take lots they change so fast.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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