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Old 03-17-2010, 02:52 AM
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howdy20012002 howdy20012002 is offline
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wow, some people really have nothing better to do than to criticize others over matters that don't really concern them.
must be hard to breath in the thin air up there on the pedastal.
interesting that you would preach ethics about animals when 99.99 percent of us on this website have creatures that are most often ripped out of their home and put into glass boxes for our amusement.
did you "rescue" them???

personally, I don't care if the dog is show quality.
in fact, my dogs aren't show quality because they are red in colour and aren't recognized because of the colour...if I was a "real" breeder, they probably would have been euthanized.
but yes, they are healthy.
and yes, I will be selling them. (OMG, i know, i should burn for, imagine making profit off a pet.)
but, No, I was not trying to sell them via this thread.
Kijiji does quite well at that thanks - I guess not everyone wants to adopt dogs they don't know the history of.
I truly do admire the people who are willing to adopt a rescue dog. However, there are lots of people who want to have a puppy from somewhere other than the pound.
personally I would rather buy a puppy from someone like me than for 2 times the cost at a petstore.

thanks for everyone who has constructive input.(which is the reason for the thread)
Just so you know, the rice has appeared to do the trick and Ginger no longer has the runs.
the puppies are visibly growing already.
there appears to be one runt that I will need to keep an eye on.
Besides that, so far so good.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 03-17-2010 at 04:56 AM.
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