Denis’ Marshall Islands Tricolor - $30
We have a reputation of bringing to you the only the best of the best and this prize is no exception. Easily one of the best looking Tricolors I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in person. Take a look at the original colony growing in Farmer Denis’ beautiful reef:

This is the real deal people! Lime green base, Iceberg Blue branches and Light Purple axials and growth tips, the pictures don’t even begin to do this thing justice!
Keith’s Lime in the Sky - $35

Brilliant! That’s one way to describe this positively ELECTRIC future addition to your tank. Another would be “downright drool worthy”. No matter how you look at it, Keith’s Lime in the Sky is a sure-fire winner. Add with caution, it may make some of your showpiece corals look dull. You have been warned...
OC’s 30k Leagues Lokani - $40
Deepwater’s have always been a focal point of my Acro-mania and this is the coral that sits right at the forefront of those fancies! Here is a stunner that many consider to be peerless in a class that is choked tight with unique and elegant corals. Don’t miss out on this one!
OC’s Green Goblin Tabler - $30
Neon Green, Hardy, Fast Growing, Tabling Acro – Need I say more?
OC’s Oregon Tort - $45
Iconic and rightfully so, the Oregon Tort is ubiquitously recognized the key standard in blue/purple Acros and it’s easy to see why! Again, I only have a small amount of these to offer right now, so hop on these RIGHT NOW! You won’t get a second chance for a long time.
OC’s Green Tricolor - $40
Latest run of this OC Flagship Classic! I cannot stress enough how magnificent this particular strain is once grown in. Get yours now!