The time has finally came to fill the tank and the refugium. I love this part of the build, i've bought some sand had enough salt for the cycling process to start. I bought 15 - 20 pounds of rock and chucked a bag of carbon in the sump and some nice rock in the refugium and filled the display tank with the rest of my rock. There were some chunks left over for the sump and after some check overs I had everything running. Enough said lets check it out!!
Here's the full cabinate shot with a temporally light on the display while I fab up the custom T5 light, my old 12" Coralife fixture with one 50/50 and a 10,000k rest on top of the refugium(also lighting future mantis home)
A shot of the cabinate doors open

A closer look at the future mantis home, I couldn't do this build without having stomadapod, I just love the way they are.

Here's some tumbling action for beneficial algae