Originally Posted by Delphinus
So my lesson learned after moving the poo pipe was that jackhammering concrete isn't all THAT bad, although if one was to do it near a tank they should put up a blast sheild because concrete debris was flying everywhere.
But I think about how it is to cut a linear length of pipe and insert a T fitting into it. You cut the pipe, move the cut pieces apart so that you can wrestle the fitting into it, and then jam the pieces back together. How do you do that when the upstream and downstream sections are still underground? They'll have absolutely no wiggle room... or you'd have to jackhammer the whole pipe out to the endpoint and relay it all the way to the end again.
No thanks.
One laundry sink coming right out of my basement.... guess my 4 piece plumbing permit just became a 3 piece.
Tony the fittings for a 3 or 4" pipe usually have a 1" flang on either end.... Just cut the opening for the new tee about 1" shorter than the tee itself and slide the tee all the way to one side and then back on to the other side. You will end up with 1/2" insert on both sides.