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Old 03-16-2010, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
she ended up having 11 cute little buggers.
i will definitely have to make sure that i keep an eye on them to make sure they are all eating.
I think she should be able to handle it for now, but I think I will have to feed some as they get bigger and start eating more.
it is going to be tough figuring out who has eaten and not eaten.
thanks for the input.
any other ideas would be great.
It's not to hard to figure out which puppy has eaten and which has not exspecialy when they are small. the ones with round tummies have just eaten the ones that do not have round tummies have not eaten or eaten very will probaly end up feeding in shifts. she will work it out there is always a eunt of the litter and with 11 there my be 2 runts but they will all get some thing to eat. generaly the youngest are the one to eat last in a large litter so then never get very big and stay the runt. My dad use to bread german short hairs in Wainwright.

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