Thought I should update you guy's about the tank.

We managed to get it filled and have moved everyone back in. It is not beautiful by any means, at this point.

I just started to panic and wanted to get everyone back in as quickly as possible. I can not believe that it went so well, I did not lose anyone. Pretty much a miracle, as while trying to do all this, I spent basically the day back and forth on the phone as well. Pretty sure that someone was watching out for me.
My cousin came out to be with me for a few day's, and I am pretty sure he had no idea, that I would quickly put him to work on this.

He is probably thinking of what excuse he can find to get out of here.
I will get pictures up today, but be warned it is not pretty.

So not for the faint of heart. Hope to get the mess cleaned up and dive back in today and arrange the rock. And of course the first bucket I emptied back in had all the small rock in it. So then I ran out of room and all the larger stuff had to go on top. Opps!!!

What a plan I had.