Originally Posted by StirCrazy
um, that was Apple that went after Microsoft.. microsoft fought back with all of Hells fury and wone. that when apple tried to destroy Microsoft over windows. not xp but version 1  Apple almost was eliminated and lost a lot of there momentum back then over there lawsuit against microsoft. If they never would have launched that they would probably be just as big as MS now.
You have a very shallow understanding of what happened.
Apple filed suit over the changes introduced in Windows 2.0, the elements used in Windows 1.0 were licensed from Apple but didn't extend to overlapping windows. Apple also went after HP and some others at the same time for similar reasons and won. Xerox also sued Apple on similar grounds during this period but for some reason they never sued MS. Microsoft did hire some of the staff from Xerox PARC so maybe they took some patents with them or something, that was how they defended the Apple lawsuit at least.
This was about the same time MS started to play footsie with IBM in the OS/2 project though so it could be that IBM offered them some additional cross license protection from their portfolio. The OS/2 partnership may have also been Apple's target all along as well, soon after MS pulled out of OS/2 for the Chicago / NT strategy Apple started working with IBM on Taligent. What killed Apple's momentum during this period were the successive failures of the Taligent and Copeland projects, and the relative success of MS' Chicago (win95). These lawsuits are not even a blip.
I don't know why you hate Apple so much now but unless your understanding of the current situation is much better than understanding of the past you may want to reconsider. Good lord, look at how much money Microsoft gave to those scumbags at SCO so they could go after linux, that makes Apple look saintly in comparison.