We had a flood 3 months ago (not aquarium related!) and we're getting our floors replaced, which means we have to move our 55g corner tank (twice- once to bedroom, then back after floors are done)
We have all the rocks/old water/CUC (1 shrimp and 4 reef crabs- we held off buying fish, knowing this would happen) in buckets, and we're scooping the sand into seperate pails.
The sand smells pretty fishy, and has lots of bits in it. Possibly molts, etc. I'm thinking we should clean it a bit before we add it back. We also bought it second hand, and added the sand as is when we bought it. Planning to just rinse with RO water, and pick out anything big that looks likeit shouldn't be there. I'm worried about a spike of soemthign in the tank (ammonia maybe)
Any thoughts? Anythign else to be aware of when moving the tank? Other than how loud it will be in the bedroom while we're tryign to sleep ?