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Old 03-14-2010, 01:40 AM
burtonpj48 burtonpj48 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: calgary
Posts: 49
burtonpj48 is on a distinguished road

[b][QUOTE=Fragzilla;501364]I agree that Elite's tanks have very nice details, but there is a HUGE cost for the CNC machining. I priced out my new tank through Elite and it was 3-4 times the cost of Golds. With the way my tank is set up I wanted 2 of the edges to be beveled and polished, I got what I asked for.

Sitting on the shop floor Elite's tanks look great, but IMO once the tank is set up I doesn't justifiy the extra cost.

It all depends on you, i guess. I got a quote from elite which i thought was high. But I dont mind paying for a nice tank. The tank i have now, the edges are rough, Its a 90 gallon tank but the glass is 5/8" thick. I didnt know any better. If i would have known that the edges would have been rough cut, I would have notified them to polish the edges. Its something u learn from. Next time i know better.
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