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Old 03-13-2010, 04:52 PM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
They only sell to you, and you'll warranty?? Why on earth would you do that? Not exactly what I would call a reliable product. I think I'll stick with the proven local product that only costs a few bucks more. Thanks for answering my questions.

Do you have something against me? It seems every post of mine you reply on it is something Negative.

Of coarse they don't ONLY sell to me. they are a OEM supplier. I don;t know their other contracts because that most likely is privileged information.

I'll warranty because I stand behind what I sell! If there's issues I will replace them.

I'm trying to start a product line here of something more affordable and more directed at the Reefing hobby. Something people can use without having to try and source this part, find that adapter, solder a plug on etc.

Do you think everything we buy is 100% made by the company that sells the product? Look at vehicles for example. Heck, I bet Rainbird does not even make 100% of the parts themselves for those valves you specify.

Think what you want, buy what you want, it's up to you but please don't go downtalking my product before you have even used it.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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