Originally Posted by Ron99
I suspect they will have another success on their hands. Did you ever use a Newton? I had one years ago. It was a great device but also a bit ahead of its time. If a slightly sleeker newton had debuted around the same time as the palm pilot Apple would probably have killed Palm.
Here's an interesting perspective on Apple vs. the critics:
I played with one years ago, I liked the interface and it's applications. I didn't, however, like the screen on any of the PDAs of the day. I found them all to be difficult to read, and the lack of a light exacerbated the problem.
What I was referring to is exactly that, the possibility that the public won't 'get' the product and it will be pushed aside by the marketplace. I think the iPad might be a winner... though if I personally bought one, I'd have to buy a keyboard to go with it.