Ok, those videos definitely made me laugh. Both were great and worth a look/laugh.
Here's a funny picture I found the other day also.
Someone commented to me a few pages back about my not wanting to an iPad since it wouldn't be good for myself for school. I'll comment back saying that, according to current know specs of the iPad, it will NOT work for me. Speculating the iPad will have a stylus is more excessive than me speculating it won't since Apple hasn't announced that feature yet, and it's less than a month away from being released (you think if they were going for that demographic of user they'd have announced that spec if it was included). Now I believe a version 2 iPad may likely include this feature but not version 1 as it is currently known. Using a 'sausage' or any makeshift stylus will not offer enough dexterity I feel also.
As for the textbooks, I stand by my stance that many will not be released for the iPad, and if they are it won't be an iPad only version (likely some kind of format that can be placed on any kindle, iPad, laptop, Courier, etc..). Limiting themselves to a single platform would likely be too costly for the amount gained. Many companies will wait and see how well the iPad is adopted and by that time I'll have graduated and have no need for new textbooks anymore. Students are cheap too, why would they pay $100 for a digital format book when they can buy a used textbook for $40? Saving $60 to buy beer with! The other problem is if I drop my iPad and break it, I'd lose my textbooks until I got a new iPad or got it repaired, with a book I drop it I maybe crease a few pages but otherwise have a usable book still to finish my assignment due the next day.
Just my thoughts.