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Old 03-12-2010, 07:58 PM
burtonpj48 burtonpj48 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: calgary
Posts: 49
burtonpj48 is on a distinguished road

I had my 1st tank built by golds, I considered the nice shop and the amount of business that went thru the shop. I made that mistake. I requested starphire front, but didnt get it. Too many air bubbles within the seams. Also the edges of the glass are rough not polished. The glass it self is very thick. I met a person who had thier tank made by gary, the person who builds for red coral and ocean city. Its better than bow valley, but also there are some imperfetions such as bubbles within the seams. The next time i have a tank built, i would go to elite, Its nice they can display the product on the floor so you can see what you are getting. The tanks there are very nice. smooth lines and edges, seams are nice and clean. If price is not an issue!
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