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Old 03-11-2010, 05:42 AM
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bwi7 bwi7 is offline
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Attachment 5910

Attachment 5911Were hoping to finish putting the last of the rock in on the weekend and then clean up the 90 F/S. Currently have the 48g, the 90g and the 180g all set up in the TV room.... it's starting to feel a little crowded down here!!

Added a copperbanded 3 days ago and he seems to be doing fine, he ate yesterday, the yellow tang and purple one have chased him a bit, but we moved the rest of the rock in and reorganized today and no one is bugging him now except the cleaner wrasse. This morning my LT purple anenome rooted himself in the sand is looking extremely happy. YEAH!

Would like to add 1 maybe 2 pink skunk clown for the LT, any advice out there on that? Because of the ocellaris clowns which are in the middle back of the tank and the LT is in the front right corner of the tank in the sandbed.

Hoping to buy some more colorful coral frags on the weekend.
180g custom tank (2 external overflows) w/ 3 - 500gph returns, and 1 - 500gph inside tank, 80g sump, Vertex skimmer, 72" Coralife (3 x 250 MH, 4 compact florecents, 8 moonlights). 1 purple LT anenome, 2 green bubbletip anenome (had 3 and it split the first night in the tank), 3 Ocellaris clowns (breeding pair), 2 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 Purple tang, 1 coral beauty angel, 1 leopard wrasses, 3 sandsifting starfish.

Last edited by bwi7; 03-14-2010 at 05:27 PM. Reason: Added new pics
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