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Old 03-11-2010, 04:43 AM
Rikotek Rikotek is offline
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Default Is Aiptasia Possible in Fresh Water?

Strange question, I know, and I have not seen any results on searches so I am guessing it is not possible.

The reason I am asking is that I am in the process of converting my 90gal saltwater tank into a freshwater (keeping a smaller salt tank now).

When this tank was a saltwater tank, I had a massive aiptasia breakout (who hasn't in a marine tank at least once?). Since I have converted it, I have cleaned the tank thoroughly (not using soap obviously) but I would like to use the same heaters, powerheads, and other hardware (which previously had aiptasia attached to it).

I am willing to bet that the lack of salt and other water differences would make this impossible, but I would like to be sure. If it is more than a remote possibility, I would like to save myself the headache now and buy new powerheads/heaters.

Again, I am fairly certain that they would not be able to grow, but I thought I would ask the experts!

Thanks everyone!

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